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Police Respond to Young Boy Who Had His Toy Car Run Over

A heartwarming story of kindness and empathy, as a police officer responds to a letter from a four-year-old boy in Bournemouth whose toy car had been run over. Toby's foster parents explained that he was devastated when a car flattened his toy, and after composing a letter to Dorset Police asking them to catch the "bad man" responsible, Sergeant Sophie Williams responded with a letter of her own. She expressed her sympathy and explained that the police are there to help people like Toby, and even went above and beyond by buying him a brand-new toy car out of her own pocket. This small act of kindness brought joy to a little boy who was upset, and is a reminder of the positive impact that compassion and empathy can have on others.

Photo Credit: Archit Rege

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