My name is Aryaman Sinha. I am a 12-year-old boy. I live in Washington State, U.S.A with my family. Every afternoon, my family and I watch the news. During the peak of the virus, I noticed that none of the news channels that we were watching had any optimistic news about the coronavirus. Then, I decided to create GoodNewzCoronavirus, to help people find good news on COVID. Fortunately, the coronavirus has died down a bit as life has returned back to normal. After this happened, I thought of turning GoodNewzCoronavirus into GoodNewzUniversal, a website where good news on all topics can be found with ease.
If you come across bright news that you would like to share with the world, please send it to me at the "Send A Story" page, and I will try to post it as soon as I can on this website.