Despite being a minority, Ayyad's act of kindness has earned him praise and admiration from both Muslims and Christians in Gaza.
"I saw him offering water and dates to Muslims stuck in traffic," said Abdel-Rahman Al-Shanti, a Muslim resident of Gaza. "He was wearing a cross and that's when I knew he was a Christian. It is a beautiful thing, to see people like Ehab, who is not from our religion, share with us our special moments."
Ayyad's gesture has also received attention on social media, where he has been hailed as a symbol of unity and coexistence in a region that has long been torn apart by conflict.
"I think that what he is doing is amazing," said Rania Jaber, a Palestinian Christian from the West Bank. "It's really heartwarming to see that in a time of such division, there are still people who believe in love and kindness towards their fellow human beings regardless of their religion or background.
Photo Credit: Toa Heftiba